Hannah Montana Movie Still Casting Extras If You Missed The Open Call!

**** Casting completed ****

Filming begins May 26, 2008.

The following post is for reference only. The casting for child and teen extras has been completed

If you were unable to make it to the open call for extras in Nashville, you can still send in your photo and information to be considered for extra work. Send in the following information as soon as possible. Filming begins next month!

Home, work or cell phone number
E-mail address
Date of birth and Age
Parent’s name (if under 18)
Clothing Sizes
Occupation or School attended
A recent face/head 4″ by 6″ photo (photos larger than 4″x6″ will not be accepted).

Also, it is a good idea to print your name and phone number on the back of the photo.

Mail to:

MonTan Casting
2817 West End Ave
Suite 126-389
Nashville TN 37203

Extras will also be cast in the Los Angeles area for the filming that is done there. Click Here for Disney Channel Extras Registration in Los Angeles.

120x60 kids