HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3, Will be shooting May and June 2008, they need mostly teenagers and you must be 14 yrs old by April 30, 2008. There are no exceptions. Pay is $82 dollars a day.
"High School Musical 3: Senior Year" Background Actors
Filming location: Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah
Start Date: May 7, 2008
End Date: June 13, 2008
Producer: Bill Borden
Producer: Barry Rosenbush
Director: Kenny Ortega
Extras Casting:
Jeff Johnson
Utah Extras
352 S. Denver Street Suite 202
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
Click Here for registration information.
You MUST be registered with Utah Extras in order to be considered.
Pay Rate:
For non-union extras: The average pay is $72.50 for twelve hours of work. Minimum Wage Basically
For SAG (Screen Actors Guild) members: The pay for background work is $130.00 for eight hours of work. Overtime begins after the eighth hour of work. The 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th hours are payable at time and one half. Work beyond the 12th hour is payable at double-time.
On a Theatrical Film, the first 50 extras hired on a given day are SAG members, the rest of the extras hired are non-union.
Important Notes:
Be prepared to take down the reporting location, date and time of your call, who to check in with, as well as the required wardrobe.
Make sure that you arrive on the set on time, with required wardrobe and/or props. It is better to arrive early than to report late.
When you arrive on-set, you will be handed a payment voucher (or contract). Fill out your voucher with care, making sure all information is legible and appears on all copies. Keep your own records of hours worked, meal breaks, etc. Make sure you note all wardrobe and props supplied at the request of the Producer.
Be courteous and attentive.
Bring along some busy work. There will likely be hours of idleness on the set.
Never leave the set without getting approval from the Assistant Director.
Once you are hired, you have been hired until released by the production company. In short, do not ask to leave early and do not leave early.