Disney Channel has started production on Julie Sherman Wolfe's screenplay adaptation of the popular novel Avalon High by Meg Cabot. This telefilm is about a girl who starts attending a new school where everyone is a reincarnation of the principal figures in the Arthurian legend. Disney auditions information for principal actor roles is now available.
Avalon High is produced by the same production company (Turtle Rock Productions) that brought you the Disney Channel show JONAS L.A. and the Disney XD series Zeke and Luther. Stuart Gillard will direct 'Avalon', and Howard Braunstein will executive produce. Gillard has helmed several Disney Channel productions such as Hatching Pete, Twitches, and Twitches Too.
Filming will beginin New Zealand on May 3, 2010 and continue through June 4, 2010.
See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for Disney auditions.
Please submit photos and resumes by mail only.
No phone calls or personal drop-offs.
Principal Actor Auditions (Los Angeles):
Liz Lang
Avalon High Auditions
5315 Torrance Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503
Principal Actor Auditions (New Zealand):
Annabelle Lomas
The Walt Disney Company New Zealand Ltd
PO Box 21-410
Henderson 0650
New Zealand
Extras Casting:
Anita Corcoran
The Walt Disney Company New Zealand Ltd
PO Box 21-410
Henderson 0650
New Zealand
Production Companies:
Do NOT send photos and resumes to the production companies (they will most likely end up in the trash can), they do not cast the films. They hire casting directors who sort through the thousands of submissions and audition the actors.
Turtle Rock Productions
5315 Torrance Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503
Jaffe/Braunstein Films
12301 Wilshire Blvd.
Ste. 110
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Disney Channel
3800 W Alameda Ave
Burbank, CA 91505
Executive Producer:
Howard Braunstein
Danielle Weinstock
Stuart Gillard
Starring: To Be Cast
Elaine "Ellie" Harrison has just moved from Minnesota to Annapolis, Maryland while her parents take a year long sabbatical to continue their medieval studies in nearby DC. Her new high school, Avalon High, seems like a typical high school with the stereotypical students: Lance the jock, Jennifer the cheerleader, Marco, the bad boy/desperado, and Will, the senior class president, quarterback, and all around good guy. But not everyone at Avalon High is who they appear to be, not even Ellie herself. Eventually, it becomes apparent that Avalon High is a situation where the ancient Arthurian legend is repeating itself. Will, Jennifer, Lance, Marco, and Mr. Morton all correspond to King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, Knight Lancelot, Mordred, and Merlin, respectively.